@if(config('wave.billing_provider') == 'paddle') @if($error_retrieving_data)
Payment Provider Error
Error fetching your subscription data. Please reload or contact support.
Change My Plan
{{-- Modal content --}}
Update Payment Details @if($cancellation_scheduled)

Your subscription will be canceled on {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($subscription_ends_at)->format('F jS, Y') }}. To re-activate it, please and place a new order. @else Cancel My Subscription

Are you sure you want to cancel?
You will not be able to re-activate immediately.

No Thanks Cancel Subscription {{-- Cancel Subscription --}}
{{-- Modal content --}} @endif
@else Manage Subscription @if(!is_null($subscription->ends_at))

Your subscription is scheduled to cancel on {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($subscription_ends_at)->format('F jS, Y') }}. Click the manage subscription button to re-activate/renew your subscription. @endif @endif